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Men’s real leather jackets – a story beyond the rebellion

Women’s and men’s real leather jackets are a trend that never dies. Since its creation, it has grown and nowadays everyone has at least one men’s real leather jacket. Throughout the years’ men’s real leather jackets were interpreted in many ways and they had many looks that evolve to the fashion that we know now. But did you know who were the first people to wear men’s real leather jackets?

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The history of the men’s real leather jackets

The men’s real leather jackets date back from World War One. In the beginning of the 20th century, the men’s real leather jackets were primarily worn by aviators as a flight coat. The original models of the men’s real leather jackets were tailored brown in color, but soon after that they could’ve been found in black as well. They were used in World War Two as well, because of their many advantages, like the fact that they can provide isolation from the cold and keep the person warm. Actually men’s real leather jackets were worn by bombers because they secured them from the extreme climate condition, that they had to experience when flying in high altitudes. The men’s real leather jackets were also a part of the uniform of Russian military personnel during the Russian Civil War.

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Men’s real leather jackets for everyone

Of course at some point the men’s real leather jacket started to be a very desired article of clothing of many. In 1928 the brothers Irving and Jack Schott introduced for the first time the men’s real leather jackets on the free market. Sons of a Russian immigrant, they pursued the American Dream. In the beginning the Schott brothers started with tailoring raincoats. After a few years Irving Schott tailored the first men’s real leather jacket and actually branded it with the name of his favorite cigars – Perfecto. This is why many people believe that actually this is the name of the first men’s real leather jacket.

            Revolutionizing the men’s real leather jackets

Just a couple of years after the introduction of the Perfecto, the Schott brothers have drastically changed the way Americans dress. One of the thing that actually helped that process is the fact, that the Schott brothers were the first ones to put a zipper on men’s real leather jackets. Pursuing their dream and creating new fashion trends across America, in 1928 the Schott brother tailored the first motorcycle men’s real leather jacket. It is a result from Irving’s love and passion of the hotrods. And it seems that it wasn’t only his passion.

            Motorcycle men’s real leather jackets

The motorcycle men’s real leather jackets were distributed by the famous Harley Davidson’s stores and they became a huge hit in only a couple of years. With time, the men’s real leather jackets have become a significant part of everyday clothing and everyone, riding a motorcycle, had to have one of them. Many believe, that in the 20th century men’s real leather jackets have become the symbol of freedom and taking the risk. Definitely, this is something, widely supported in movies and music as well.

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Men’s real leather jackets in movies

The old classics are the ones that influenced the most and made the men’s real leather jackets the thing we know today. If you look closely, there are many Hollywood productions, that used the idea and style of men’s real leather jackets to accentuate on particular features of the character and to bring that “cool” factor. One of the first men to wear men’s real leather jackets in a movie is actually the famous Marlon Brando. His style and charm have made him into one of the symbols of the classic Hollywood. In the movie “The Wild One”, Brando plays a leader of a gang in his own Perfecto motorcycle men’s real leather jacket. Even though the plot and idea of the movie lead to its ban and harsh critiques, the men’s real leather jacket, that Brando wears, is something that cannot be forgotten. This is actually the first movie about motorcycles, that gets worldwide recognition. This is why the boom of men’s real leather jackets after its premier is easily explained.

In the 50s and 60s, the men’s real leather jackets get the highest peak of recognition since their introduction. The proof are many Hollywood productions, that dress their main characters in men’s real leather jackets. One of those memorable actors is John Travolta and his black leather jacket in the musical Brilliantine. Many people say that the part and the men’s real leather jacket of Travolta has turned him into every girls’ dream. Movies and musicals like these show us the introduction of men’s real leather jackets in the motorcycle and brilliantine world. This is also the time of haircuts with a lot of conditioner, rebellion and the numerous zippers on men’s real leather jackets. After this period in time, the leather jacket started to transform and later became the symbol of the rockers’ culture. 

The brown men’s real leather jackets have become one of the trademarks of sequels like “Indiana Jones” and were interpreted like a symbol of the adventures of the character. In the past years, we’ve seen different interpretations of men’s real leather jackets in various Hollywood movies, like “The Matrix”, “Terminator”, “Mad Max” and many others. And of course the memorable red men’s real leather jacket, that Brad Pitt wore in “Fight Club”. 

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Men’s real leather jackets is music

Hollywood is not the only place that promotes men’s real leather jackets. Influenced by it, the music industry also undertakes this fashion and develops it in its own way. Many rock stars and famous formations like Sex Pistols, Blondie, the Beetles and others have worn men’s real leather jackets. But maybe the most memorable piece of clothing is the red men’s real leather jacket from Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. This is one of the most iconic men’s real leather jackets in music, that has actually been valued for 1,8 million dollars. Nowadays the men’s real leather jackets are worn by rappers such as Kanye West and Chris Brown, but that does not mean that they’re the only ones. Now men’s real leather jackets are loved, maybe even more than before. 

Men’s real leather jackets in the 21st century

Of course, the fashion of men’s real leather jackets has transferred into the 21st century and it is definitely an article of clothing, that everyone must have in their wardrobe. They’re something that will never go out of style and will always allow you to express yourself. Different types and styles of men’s real leather jackets give you the opportunity to wear them in every season. They’re preferred not only in the spring/autumn, but are often chosen as a winter garment as well.

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Men’s real leather jackets from TruClothing

We at TruClothing know how important the men’s real leather jackets are and this is why we offer you only quality products at excellent prices. We give all our customers the opportunity to choose from a wide range of men’s real leather jackets in many styles – hoodie, bicker, bomber, motorcycle, sheepskin and others.

            Men’s real leather jackets – hoodies

We offer all our clients with hoodies, that are a perfect choice for the winter. They’re tailored from high-quality leather and can be found in various sizes and colors. These men’s real leather jackets will not only protect you in the cold days, but will guarantee that you will look stylish every day!

            Men’s real leather jackets – bicker

The bicker helps you achieve that classical look and style, known since the 50s. In the product range of TruClothing you can find more classical men’s real leather jackets with few zippers, but we also offer you the original look with a lot of zippers. Our bikers are ideal for any season, in range of colors and can assure you that you will look amazing every day!

            Men’s real leather jackets – bomber

The other classical look - the bomber is very fashionable as well. We at TruClothing provide all our clients with wide choices of men’s real leather jackets, that can suit every style and taste. You can choose men’s real leather jackets with a zipper or buttons, more clean and stylish look or the traditional bomber. It’s all up to you!

We at TruClothing can guarantee that our men’s real leather jackets are made from high-quality materials and will provide you with the style you need! Try them yourself! We provide our client with free delivery* and the option to try the men’s real leather jacket. If there is a problem, don’t worry! You can easily replace it with a new one. Trust TruClothing when you choose your new or very first men’s real leather jackets.

Men’s real leather jackets – a story beyond the rebellion

The history of the men’s real leather jackets

Men’s real leather jackets for everyone

Men’s real leather jackets in movies

Men’s real leather jackets is music

Men’s real leather jackets in the 21st century

Men’s real leather jackets from TruClothing